As of September 2020, PSHE and RSE became statutory elements of the National Curriculum. We currently follow the Cambridgeshire PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) schemes of learning across school. Our PSHE and Citizenship programme (which is covered through the taught curriculum and our wider provision) includes teaching and learning within the following strands and themes: 

Myself and My Relationships: including My Emotions, Beginning and Belonging, Anti-bullying, Family and Friends and Managing Change. 

Healthy and Safer Lifestyles: including Personal Safety, Digital Lifestyles, Drug Education, Relationships and Sex Education, Healthy Lifestyles and Managing Safety and Risk (including Road Safety). 

Citizenship: including Diversity and Communities, Rights, Rules and Responsibilities and Working Together. 

Economic Wellbeing: including Financial Capability. 

PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact

Intent, Implementation and Impact Document
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