

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all children: 

Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that children have conceptual understanding and are able to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately.

Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.

Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

These aims inform our teaching at St Christopher's and teachers from Early Years to Year 6 use detailed schemes of learning published by White Rose Maths to plan effective, mastery style lessons using the concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach. We tailor and adapt the White Rose resources as appropriate for our children and where needed, use whole school agreed additional sources to provide consistency to our approach.

Our Maths 'diet' (alongside White Rose) consists of:

  • Maths Shed
  • I See Maths

We also work closely with the Cambridge Maths Hub who provide us with excellent teacher CPD opportunities and ideas to further develop our teaching of mastery mathematics.


Please click on one of the buttons below for more information about our exciting Maths curriculum at St Christopher's.   

The CPA Approach Calculation Policy Maths Homework NSPCC's Number Day 2022 Children's Maths Work

Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact

Intent, Implementation and Impact Document

Each year, we recruit Year 6 Maths Leaders to help Mr Etheridge lead Maths across the school. We give the children real life experience with this in asking them to complete application forms and attend interviews for the role. 


Once recruited, the Maths Leaders have a variety of roles throughout the year including:

  • Ensuring teachers have the concrete and pictorial resources they need from the Maths cupboard.
  • Planning, setting up and running various lunchtime competitions to promote Maths across the school.
  • Helping run our yearly, whole school Maths day - which this year will be the NSPCC's Number Day that helps to promote a love of Maths throughout the school. 


This year, our Year 6 Maths Leaders are:

Isaak, Freddie, Millie, Milo and Willow. 

The CPA Approach

At St Christopher's, we are keen for children to develop a deep understanding within their mathematical knowledge. To do this this, we use the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach. This is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s understanding of abstract topics.

It can be broken down as follows:

Concrete representation - a pupil is first introduced to an idea or skill by acting it out with real objects. This is a ‘hands on’ strategy and is a foundation for conceptual understanding.

Pictorial representation - a pupil has sufficiently understood the ‘hands on’ experiences and can now relate them to representations such as pictures or diagrams.

Abstract representation - a pupil is now capable of representing problems by using mathematical notation, for example, 12 x 2 = 24.

Calculation Policy

Our Calculation Policy follows the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach and allows for consistency throughout the school.

 It focuses particularly on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and demonstrates the methods we teach at St Christopher's. This allows for the children to build upon their learning as they move through the school and leave us with a secure understanding of the methods needed to be able to answer mathematical calculations.

Calculations Policy CPA

Math's Homework

At St Christopher's, we use MathShed both in school for Maths interventions and as homework provision. Following on from parent feedback, we have chosen this to provide a consistent whole school approach to Maths homework which can still be tailored to your child's needs in order to make progress. 


Each week, your child will be set an assignment on MathShed and will be asked to play a required amount of games for the homework to considered complete. Depending on your child's needs, examples of the types of assignment they could be set include: 

- Number Bonds

- Times Tables

- Quizzes about the mathematical concept taught in class that week


We are aware that there is a cost to download the app version of this, however, the website version is free to use (with the provided login). If you need another copy of your child's login details, please contact their class teacher. 


EYFS and Key Stage 1 - Please Note:

White Rose Maths, our chosen Maths scheme, have created a brand new app that helps build number confidence & fluency through engaging, 1-minute tasks. This will help the children’s understanding of Mastery Maths and the foundations that are being taught to them in class. With all new things, they are constantly adapting and adding to the app. This is a very useful resource if you're looking to build your child's confidence with Maths. 

NSPCC Number Day

This year, on Friday 4th February, we took part in our very first NSPCC 'Number Day'. Alongside highlighting the amazing work that the NSPCC do, our aim was promote a love of Maths across our school.


We held a non-uniform day with everyone asked to 'Dress for Digits' and come in wearing a number. Our normal, daily Maths lessons were cancelled and instead were replaced with unusual Maths activities involving lots of different ways of using the number aspect of the Maths curriculum. Alongside this, our Year 6 Maths Leaders helped Mr Etheridge to plan and run the day by:


  • Hosting a Zoom assembly to launch the day to the whole school. 

  • Planning and running break and lunch time competitions and activities that included estimating how many sweets are in a jar, going on number bond and times tables hunts around the school and even giving the younger children the chance to take on a Year 6 Maths Leader in a number bond or times table dual. 

We had a great day and look forward to taking part again next year!

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