Board of Governors

Local Governing Board

Meet the Governors at St Christopher's Church Of England Primary School

Local Governing Board Members

Mrs Melanie Duffield, Chair of Governors

Mr James Plummer, Vice Chair of Governors

Reading and Writing

Mrs Lucy Oakley, Parent Governor

Early Years

Mrs Hannah Sammons, Parent Governor

Maths & Finance

Mrs Hilary Quincey, Community Governor

Special Educational Needs

Mrs Laura Quincey, Parent Governor


St Christopher's are fortunate to have a team of enthusiastic and supportive Governors who work closely with the school, including the strategic leadership of it. 

Details of how the governing body works, as well as further information about joining our governing body can be found by emailing our Chair of Governors at

Minutes of the current or previous academic years are available via the GovernorHub and our clerk has access to them if required. 


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